Peta Prevented from Posting Pam's Protruding Propaganda

Date 2008/8/13 19:50:00 | Topic: Whatever!

 Pamela Anderson PETAMedia giant Titan Worldwide struck a blow for Meatatarians everywhere today by refusing to run two billboard designs submitted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Europe (PETA). The ads were to run outside of the Woking, Surrey (U.K.) train station and feature the usual barely-clothed celebrity, in this case Pamela Anderson again, next to taglines which openly attack KFC's suppliers and urge viewers to stay away from the chicken chain.

In PETA's own press release from today, they quoted a Titan representative as saying "The poster is 'attacking' another brand, and that will not be allowed by the TOC who is the landlord."

It's good to see that even a giant media mogul won't take money to run an ad that helps PETA slander another company... even if it does have Pam Anderson's breasts all over it.

This article comes from Cows Are Delicious

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