Carl's Jr. and Hardee's restaurants are not only comforting you with cheese and bacon, but also with hours of comfy thoughts in your online world. Now you can become a fan of "The Comfort Place" or download an actual application that will put "24 Hours of Comforting Awesomeness" on your Facebook wall. Now you can become a fan of "The Comfort Place" or download an actual application that will put "24 Hours of Comforting Awesomeness" on your Facebook wall.
The application was created to tie in with the popular Grilled Cheese Bacon Burgers, launched on January 27:
To extend the comforting goodness of the Grilled Cheese Bacon Burgers, both Hardee's and Carl's Jr. are embarking on a digital campaign to provide even more solace to their customers, especially their core fans of "Young, Hungry guys."1
As awesome as that all sounds, I think they had us with just the burgers.
Become a fan or download the application at:
1 Carl's Jr. Press Release, February 22, 2010