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Brainy Scientists Think Eating Meat Made Their Exceptional Brains Possible
Posted by Sven on 08/18/2008 (1963 reads)

 Meat makes you smarterThe Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai (specifically, the Comparative Biology Group) has published results of a decades long study that points toward eating meat as the primary stimulus in human brain development.

Approximately 2 million years ago, the size of the human brain doubled. "This happened because we started to eat better food, like eating more meat," according to PICB researcher Philipp Khaitovich. After that, little changed for a very long time.

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Lookin' For Work?
Posted by Angus on 08/17/2008 (1835 reads)

Who couldn't use a little success and security?

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Just When You Thought Hippies Don't Eat Meat...
Posted by dirtykalb on 08/14/2008 (1700 reads)

This is a guide to the art of barbequeing that you won't want to miss! The lovely Hot Rod Honey imparts all her secrets, joined by her hot stoner friends in some meat-grilling, gun-shooting, whiskey-drinking, pot-smoking action. Honey will teach you how to perfectly prepare ribs, steaks, corn on the cob, mushrooms, and hot peppers, as well as the ins and outs of the consummate marinade and of course

Available from Netflix here

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Peta Prevented from Posting Pam's Protruding Propaganda
Posted by Sven on 08/13/2008 (2115 reads)

 Pamela Anderson PETAMedia giant Titan Worldwide struck a blow for Meatatarians everywhere today by refusing to run two billboard designs submitted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Europe (PETA). The ads were to run outside of the Woking, Surrey (U.K.) train station and feature the usual barely-clothed celebrity, in this case Pamela Anderson again, next to taglines which openly attack KFC's suppliers and urge viewers to stay away from the chicken chain.

In PETA's own press release from today, they quoted a Titan representative as saying "The poster is 'attacking' another brand, and that will not be allowed by the TOC who is the landlord."

It's good to see that even a giant media mogul won't take money to run an ad that helps PETA slander another company... even if it does have Pam Anderson's breasts all over it.

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Dude Named Dave is Self-Proclaimed Cooking Pro.
Posted by dirtykalb on 08/08/2008 (1630 reads)

This vodcast features Dave and his amazing kitchen talents. Join Dave and his Assistants in the kitchen to see why they're Pros at Cooking.

Dave may look familiar.

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Miss Freedom Grill 2008
Posted by Sven on 08/08/2008 (6656 reads)

 Holly Weber - Miss Freedom Grill 2008Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle! Well, if you think you need to use hot chicks to sell your grills, you might as well use Holly Weber! Check out her official Freedom Grill publicity shot here.

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Vegetarians Are Evil!
on 08/05/2008 (1609 reads)

 Vegetarianism a form of child abuse

All the nutrients that the body needs other than vitamin B-12 can be obtained from vegetable sources if extreme care is taken. Something most vegetarian and vegan parents absolutely do not do.

Read the rest of the article here.

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Action Cow!
Posted by Angus on 08/05/2008 (1553 reads)

Here is some fun from our friends at Ben & Jerry's!

Ben & Jerry's Fun Stuff Page

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Who Wants A FREE Meat-Shirt?
Posted by Angus on 07/31/2008 (6520 reads)

 Win a FREE t-shirt!Who wants a FREE Meat-Shirt? I DO! I DO! ME! ME! ME!

OK... settle down. Here's how you get one. It's simple! All you have to do is post more articles than anyone else by the end of the month. That's right! Just post as many articles as you want between now and March 31st in any of our many topics. We'll count them up and whoever has the most will win a FREE Meat-Shirt of their choice. THAT'S RIGHT... ANY SHIRT... ANY SIZE... ANY COLOR! Now there are a couple of rules. You can't just post anything all willy-nilly like. The articles have to be meat related and in good taste. As always, we have final say in what articles get posted. All decisions are final, so NO WHINING!

What the hell are you waiting for? Get to work!

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Print Your Very Own Meatatarian Army Certificate of Membership!
Posted by Sven on 07/25/2008 (11751 reads)

 Join the Meatatarian Army!That's right! Now you can print out your very own Certificate of Membership in the Meatatarian Army!

Just enter your name (or whatever you want your certificate to say) and click on "Create Certificate!"
Click here to create your certificate.

Coming soon: Meatatarian Army Membership Cards!

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Meatatarian Army Shirt
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